I don't know, can it really be called a book tour if it is only a week? I guess so. Anyhow, I will be in Minnesota and Wisconsin in a few days to do a variety of
Daily Zoo-themed events (presentations, gallery reception, workshops, book signings, etc.). Many of the events are in conjunction with the
Midwest Arts in Healthcare Network which is having an Arts and Health Community Celebration during the month of April. Please see below for a complete listing and details of each event. If you have the time and are in the area, please consider checking one out!
Penny George Institute: Presentation & Book SigningSunday, April 18, 2010 - 2-5pmPenny George Institute for Health and Healing
2833 Chicago Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55407
As I mentioned in my
previous post, fifteen Daily Zoo prints are on exhibit at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis through May 26. There is a reception this Sunday afternoon from 2-5 pm at the
Penny George Institute. I'll be presenting the story of The Daily Zoo and will have books available for signing if anyone is interested. There will also be presentations/readings/live music by other artists. Light refreshments too. This event is free and open to the public. Map & directions
Bethseda Hospital: Lunchtime Book SigningMonday, April 19, 2010 - Lunchtime (I should be set up shortly after 11am)559 Capitol Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55103
Bethseda Hospital in St. Paul, MN invited me for a book signing and also to do some drawing workshops with some of their patients in the afternoon. The lunchtime signing is open to the public.
Map & directions here._______________________
Hudson Hospital: Healing Arts EventMonday, April 19, 2010 - 7-8:30pmHudson Hospital Conference Center
405 Stageline Road
Hudson, WI 54016
Free and open to the public, however registrations is requested (please call the Health Resource Center at 715-531-6250).
At the invitation of
Hudson Hospital's Healing Arts Program I will be presenting a digital slideshow at 7pm and then be available for signing afterwards. I will be specifically addressing how my artwork has been a healing factor in my experience with facing cancer.

University of Minnesota - Boynton Clinic: Presentation & Book SigningTuesday, April 20, 2010 - 12-1pm
Lunch will be served at 11:50amThe Roen Room
At the invitation of the University of Minnesota's
Center for Spirituality & Healing I'll be sharing my cancer experience and the therapeutic properties of creating artwork with medical professionals as part of the U of M's Continuing Medical Education program. Sorry, this event is
not open to the public.
University of Minnesota Campus Bookstore: Book SigningTuesday, April 20, 2010 - 4pmCoffman Memorial Union
300 Washington Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
I'll be signing at 4pm. More info
here. Map and directions
Hennepin County Medical Center: Presentation & Book SigningWednesday, April 21, 2010 - 11am-12pmHCMC Blue Bldg, Room BL.320
900 S. 8th Street
Minneapolis, MN
I'll presenting & signing at the Hennepin County Medical Center as a part of the
Inspire Arts program's participation in the month long celebration of arts in healthcare. This is free and open to the public.

Holy Family Elementary School: Student WorkshopsWed-Thurs, April 22-23, 2010Green Bay, WI
Two days of art workshops with the K-8 students at Holy Family school in Green Bay, WI. Sorry, this one is not open to the public.
The Reader's Loft: Book SigningThursday, April 22, 2010 - 6-8pmwww.readersloft.com2069 Central Ct, Suite 44
Green Bay, WI 54311
Map and directions
here.Hope you can make one of these!