In case you're in the mood for pancakes this morning...or find yourself in Orange County looking for something to do, consider dropping by the 11th Annual Young Authors' Faire put on by the Orange County Department of Education (complete with a pancake breakfast!). The Faire celebrates young authors in grades K-8, showcases their work, and provides opportunities to meet professional authors and illustrators. I'll have a table there and be doing a drawing workshop geared towards kids from 10:30-11:15 AM.
This event is free and open to the public so stop on by. Pancakes...mmmmmmm...
What: Orange County Young Authors' Faire
When: Saturday, May 19th 8am - 12pm
Where: Orange County Dept. of Education
200 Kalmus Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Cost: Admission & parking is free. Pancake breakfast is $3.00