Finally! Time to get this blog-journey started! Thanks for visiting - I hope you will find some things of interest and stop back periodically.
Briefly, an introduction: I'm a Los Angeles-based artist working in the entertainment industry, specializing in character design. You can find out more about me and view samples of my work at www.chrisayersdesign.com
The purpose of this blog is to share more of my artwork and musings, as well as post updates on my latest creative endeavors. With that in mind, let's start with the first update!
I just had the first book of my artwork published about a month ago. It is titled The Daily Zoo: Keeping the Doctor at Bay with a Drawing a Day and is a collection of 365 animal sketches that I drew one per day as I recovered from and reflected on my battle with leukemia. You can read more about it and view sample pages at my website. It is published by Design Studio Press and available through most major book retail outlets such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Borders. Or check with your favorite local independent bookseller!
Best wishes to you and your families for a peaceful holiday season and healthy & hopeful New Year!